Sunday, April 27, 2014

Some nights. A filler post.

This is how to have a night to remember.

And no, it doesn't involve sex. It doesn't involve concerts.

1. Be impulsive.
I'm not saying you have to go skinny dipping. But you do have to go swimming in a pond in your boxers.

2. Stop worrying about gas.
Drive. Drive to McDonald's. Meet random boys in the parking lot. Leave. Drive back because you forgot to say goodbye properly.

3. Try something new.
And then get violent when Deseret Industries decides to stop selling tapes.

4. Do something illegal.
Speed. #drugfree Get caught. Complain about it.

5. Look up terrible jokes on the Internet.
My favoritesWhy was six afraid of seven? Because seven was a well known six offender.
So this guy with a premature ejaculation problem comes out of nowhere.
A blind man walks into a bar. And a chair. And a table.

6. Try to understand Greg Hardy.
One reporter asked about him dominating the Falcons offense with sacks. He said, “I dominated breakfast when I woke up so I don’t know what you’re talking about! I dominate everything I do. That’s a silly question… next question.” Then a reporter asked what he had for breakfast he replied, “Cereal…I killed it…. No spoon!”

Below: Introducing himself as Kraken from Hogwarts.

7. Spend a few hours at Barnes and Noble.
Read half the book sitting between the aisles.

8. Flirt with the most attractive cashier at Walmart.
Ask him the next time he's working. Yeah still got it.

9. Write a how-to post about something you know nothing about.