When I hear about the hamsters that eat their babies, and then my mom threatens to kick me out... It all makes sense. And black widows eat their partners after sex... How many girls feed their exes to the rumors? Who says the flowers aren't talking or we're not listening?
Who decided that nature was something lonely in the mountains and not the amount of cuss words it took until you were satisfied? Who decided that nature was defined by interactions between all wild animals... except the way you scream at your mom and she screams back? Who decided that nature was hitting rocks together to make fire instead of using a lighter and gasoline? Why can't we go back to the cavemen days when nature called hairy legs sexy regardless of the gender?
Is it human nature to remember or human nature to forget?
To bite fingernails when anxiety creeps in? Singing along to the radio? Getting high? Popping knuckles? Wishing on stars? Candles? Clocks? Praying to God?
I think about falling in love like God's limiting your oxygen intake bit by bit and then you find an oxygen mask. Like you're drowning so slowly you weren't even aware of it until he pulled you out of the water, and love was your lifesaver. You held onto love as it pulled you to shore, but love let go and allowed you to flail in the water just long enough to teach you to swim on your own. But you crave love because your legs and arms are so damn tired of treading water. Love is a strange thing.
And humans loved each other even if she liked her coffee too sweet and the lamplight was too dim when they were counting their imperfections.
I hear about how the moon resents the American flag sticking out of her skin.
The birds and bees resent being linked together and whoever the idiot was that linked the two of them to sex. It's not symbolic.
And the cat resents whoever stole her pajamas.
Here's to the rain that never forms the shape of cats and dogs, but tries her little heart out. Here's to the crickets that try to break the silence, but only serve to enhance the awkwardness. Here's to the little birds who are forever trying to tell us something. Here's to the cats still in their bags.
I hear about how humans tend to fall in love. And humans tend to misinterpret lust as love. Because hair can be nice if it's on a chest or a face but not if that chest or face happens to belong to a girl. And goats have rectangular pupils if you look close enough.
And we're redefining nature. Because nature is an ingrown toenail. Indigestion. Popping pills. Sidewalk chalk. Rollie pollie ollies and their scientific name. Solubility. Americans who have tried more diets than sex partners. Stubbing your toe. First kisses. The exercise bike in your extra room upstairs. Counting calories and slowing your heart rate. And I said we're redefining nature. Because we might have been looking close before, but now we're looking closer. Nature is looking close enough.